everRun® MX Express: Component Level Fault Tolerance For Windows Environments
Traditional HA is simply not good enough
everRun MX Express provides world class high availability without the cost and complexity of traditional clustering solutions. By providing the ability to ComputeThrough component level failures without application blackout. MX Express, built on the same platform as Marathon Technologies everRun MX platform provides users with a simple to deploy availability solution that provides will class uptime, without the cost and complexity of traditional HA Solutions.
Are You Still Reacting to Failures?
If you’re like most organizations, you react to system failures. When a failure occurs systems go down, applications become unavailable to users, business operations stop and IT staff is called upon to perform a recovery. This downtime can have a huge impact on sales, mission-critical operations, employee productivity, and client satisfaction. Nevertheless, you settle for downtime in the event of a failure because you really have had no choice. Until now.
You No Longer Have to Settle for complex, expensive availability solutions
everRun MX Express is designed to take the complexity out of availability. As a software based solution MX Express allows you to install on commodity hardware, and leverage SAN or Local Storage while providing complete hardware redundancy. MX Express will compute through any component level failure (Disk or Network) without a blackout period or restart of your application. In the event of a complete server failure, MX Express will restart your application on another machine in the MX Pool.
How everRun MX Works
everRun MX Express combines the power of two physical servers to create a fault tolerant platform on which you can run your mission critical applications. By monitoring the Networking and Disk Subsystems, everRun MX Express can stand between your application and a component level failure. This proactive stance allows your application to compute through these failures. everRun MX Express does this without needing shared storage (although it is supported) and gives you the ability to build a redundant system without the costs associated with the typical cluster environment. By avoiding the need to "Fail-Over" based on a basic hardware fault, your application will realize greater uptime. and your IT staff will be able to deliver a high level of service around your organizations mission critical applications.

Contact your Marathon representative for a detailed list of requirements including supported processors and memory.
Related Information

Data Sheet: everRun MX Express