The ability for people to collaborate―to work together―is mission-critical for any organization. Project meetings. Sales meetings. Product development meetings. And beyond the enterprise, doctors meeting with patients, teachers meeting with students, government agencies meeting on crisis response to deliver critical services to citizens.
You need a virtual meeting environment that combines the highest-quality voice and video for a real-as-life collaboration experience. You also want it to be simple enough for anyone to pick up and use without having to call IT for assistance. There's only one answer: Polycom Immersive Telepresence Solutions.
Board meetings. University lectures. Surgery tutorials. Production meetings. With our immersive telepresence solutions, conversations and insights unfold as easily across a great distance as when all participants are in the same room.
Looking eye to eye across a virtual desk with remote participants. Seeing them in life-size HD video and hearing what they say in crystal-clear HD audio. Feeling just like you're in the same room, not miles apart. That's the Polycom Immersive experience.
Simply walk in and start collaborating as if you were sitting across the table in the same room...and experience clarity so realistic, you will forget you are thousands of miles apart.
Polycom Immersive Telepresence Solutions deliver:
- Invisible technology and cinema-quality video and audio
- The lowest TCO and fastest ROI, with bandwidth costs reduced by as much as 50% and designs that minimize costly room modifications
- The industry's broadest native interoperability–communicate with nearly anyone, whether they are using another telepresence system (even proprietary offerings), accessing through Microsoft Lync, or connecting on one of the millions of standards-based video conferencing systems in use today